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How to use the Backtester

Cryptohopper's Backtester is a new feature that's currently available exclusively to Marketplace Sellers. With this tool, you can backtest all of your template and bot settings, except for triggers, built-in strategies (which are shown in the Strategy list in your Configuration), and TradingView Alerts.

Using the backtester can help you optimize your trading results. Even minor adjustments to your settings can have a significant impact on your profits, so taking the time to use the backtester can be very beneficial.

It's important to note, however, that past performance does not guarantee future results. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that backtests are not a complete representation of your bot's behavior in the past, as bots check sell settings more often, whereas the backtester only checks every minute. Moreover, the checking moments of your strategy may differ slightly.

If you happen to notice any bugs in the backtester, please let us know so we can work on improving the tool.

How to start a new backtest


  1. If you haven't selected a bot yet, go to your bot overview and choose a bot. Then click on Backtesting, followed by Go to new backtesting.
  2. Click on the New backtest button.
  3. Select a Template or Bot that you want to backtest.
  4. Choose a date range and time period for your backtest. Please note that the maximum time period allowed is one month.
  5. Determine the checking speed that you want to use in your backtest.
  6. (Optional) Set your start amount and Maker and Taker fee percentage, if desired.
  7. Click on the Start Backtest button to begin the backtesting process.

During a backtest, you can track its progress in the backtest overview, which displays how far the backtest is from completion and which trades it has identified. If you click on a backtest, you will be able to view the following information:

  • Template or bot name
  • Exchange
  • Quote currency
  • Markets
  • Backtest period
  • Subscription level
  • When the backtest was created and when the last check got processed
  • Description
  • The profit over the backtested period
  • Successful sells
  • Loss sells
  • Status



The chart in the backtest overview displays the total value of your assets during the backtested period. Below the chart, you'll find information on the most traded currencies, the average profit per currency, and the average holding times of your currencies.


The backtest also provides detailed information on your buy and sell triggers, including the total number of trades, start balance, end balance, and your profit or loss.



By clicking on the Trades button, you can view all the trades from your backtest. This section includes information such as the currency, market, buy or sell action, date, amount, price, costs, fee, profit, and buy or sell trigger. Additionally, you can view the Technical Analysis values at the moment of buying or selling. It's important to note that trades based on signals or Marketplace strategies with hidden configurations will not display any values.

Above the trades, you will find several buttons:

  • Calendar: Use this button to select a specific period of the backtest.
  • CSV: Download all trades in a CSV file.
  • PDF: Download all trades in a PDF file.
  • Print: Print all trades.

Use the search feature to sort your trades based on any value shown in the trades. This can help you quickly find specific information on your trades.



The bot may have open orders, positions, or shorts when the backtest is still running or after it has been completed.



The bot may have open positions when the backtest is still running or after it has been completed.



Open shorts are shorts that remain open during or after a test. If you enable the "Use actual profit" feature, the bot will display and utilize real profits for calculating the shorting percentage profit and the trailing stop short. This implies that the percentage profit of your short will be calculated in relation to the buying price, rather than the amount saved through shorting.

Due to an issue, we’re still looking into shorting for the backtest.



During or after a backtest, you can check the assets that you still own. The "Balance" displays the value of the assets in the currency you're trading, while the "Reserved assets" represent the assets that are still in open orders.

Your quote currency assets can provide an indication of how much of your funds are being used for trading. If you wish to increase the amount of your quote currency invested at any given time, you can adjust the buy amounts in your Base config and start a new backtest.

You can download your asset data in CSV or PDF format and even print them out for your convenience.



To enhance your backtest results, you can leave notes. These notes can provide valuable insights and help you keep track of the changes you've made to your strategy.



Just like the Bot Output on your Dashboard, you can review everything your backtest has accomplished. The backtest checks your strategy at regular intervals of 2, 5, or 10 minutes, depending on the frequency you chose when initiating the backtest. Additionally, the prices and other settings are verified every minute

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