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What are the different settings for your Algorithm Intelligence Strategy

In this article, we explain the different settings for your A.I.

Config Buy/Sell Signal settings in AI Strategy Builder

Buy and Sell Settings AI

Validate signals after X time

Select the time you want use to validate if a signal was good or bad. When building a day-trading A.I. 1 day or less is prefered. If you want to swing trade with the AI, 3-5 days is prefered. In our example we use 2.

Minimum percentage change buy signal

Fill in the percentage profit a signal must get for a buy signal to be valid. For example, you fill in 5. This means you want to see at least 5% profit within 2 days after each sell signal has been given. The 2 days you can configure in the previous field.

Minimum percentage change sell signal

Fill in the percentage loss a signal must get for a sell signal to be valid. For example, you fill in 3. This means you want to see at least a 3% loss within 2 days after each sell signal has been given. The 2 days you can configure in the first field.

Market trend settings

Maximum percent change neutral trend

Fill in the percentage a neutral trend needs to go up or down for a market trend signal to be valid. For example, you fill in 5. This means you want to see the neutral trend signal move by less than 5% in 2 days for it to be valid. The 2 days you can configure in the first field.

Minimum percent change uptrend

Fill in the percentage a trend needs to go upwards for a market trend signal to be valid. For example, you fill in 4. This means you want to see the uptrend signal move by at least 4% upwards in 2 days for it to be valid. The 2 days you can configure in the first field.

Minimum percent change downtrend

Fill in the percentage a trend needs to go downwards for a market trend to be valid. For example, you fill in 4. This means you want to see the downtrend signal move at least 4% downwards in 2 days for it to be valid. The 2 days you can configure in the first field.

Moving average for trend

Select the moving average used to smoothen out the 1-minute price history for the market trend validation. The longer the time configured, the more small peaks will be ignored/smoothened to determine the trend. For this example, we use the standard settings. The default moving average is EMA.

Moving average period

Fill in the period you want to use fort he moving average. Default 4. The minimum is 1 and the maximum is 60.

Other settings

Maximum score for neutral signals

Fill in the value. It’s used to know how much a neutral signal should be used in the score calculation. A lower value gives more importance to buy and sell signals. A higher value gives more importance to neutral signals. Enter a value between 1 and 100. Default: 15. This setting rates the importance of the neutral signals of your signal strategy. If your neutral signals are not relevant then they can be discarded by entering a value of 1. If your neutral signals are vital, then you can enter a value of 80. Important: this option only affects the Signals Strategies and not the Trend Strategies.

Strategy Settings in the Baseconfig


Select the AI you trained.

Signals only

Make sure the toggle is switched to disabled because you want to use your Algorithm Intelligence.

Number of targets to buy

Fill in the number you want your bot to buy if your Strategy finds multiple currencies at the same time. If you fill in 5 and the bot finds 7 it will only buy the 5 best. This is determined by the number of Indicators and buy Signals it has. Maximum is 10.

Use corrected score for buys

Select yes or no. Normal scores are between -1 (for sell) and 1 (for buy), corrected score is a value between 0 and 100 (percentage) based on the highest and lowest normal result it got. The corrected score improves over time for the coins selected in the Baseconfig.

Minimum score for buys

Fill in the minimum score a market should have before signaling a buy for it. Normal scores are between -1 (for sell) and 1 (for buy), so you could enter 0.2 for a buy for example. If you use a corrected score, then the value should be between 0 and 100, for example, 75 for a buy. The higher the value that you use here, the more selective your Algorithm Intelligence will be when entering a position.

Use corrected score for sells

Select yes or no. Normal scores are between -1 (for sell) and 1 (for buy), corrected score is a value between 0 and 100 (percentage) based on the highest and lowest normal result it got. The corrected score improves over time for the coins selected in the base config.

Minimum score for sells

Fill in the minimum score a market should have before signaling a sell for it. Normal scores are between -1 (for sell) and 1 (for buy), so you could enter -0.2 for a sell for example. If you use a corrected score, then the value should be between 0 and 100, for example 25 for a sell.

The use of corrected score

It takes time to improve the corrected score values. What might look strange but can happen is that the corrected score shows 100% and the regular score is just 0.01 (or another value). This is possible due to the time needed before the corrected score will be optimized. When using the corrected score, it happens that no buy or sell Signals get received after X time. When the number of buy and sell signals has decreased significantly, we recommend lowering the corrected score needed for buys/sells or considering not using the corrected score. An additional factor that can result in more trades is lowering the "Maximum score for neutral signals" as it will give higher importance to the buy/sell signals of the signal strategies.

Formula of the corrected score: Corrected score = ((current score - lowest score) * 100) / (highest score - lowest score).


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